Monday, September 9, 2024

Macross vs. Robotech!




Versus?!!! It’s the same thing!!! Get a grip!!!

Ahoy, Macross!!! Or, the story of one of Japan’s biggest anime shows hitting American shores!!!

In 1985, a new animated series premiered on American television, and with it a new era of Japanese anime films and series finding their way into American homes and theaters. The original series “Super Dimensional Fortress Macross” was brought over and broadcast as a series called “Robotech”, at least for its first season (the series would follow up with adaptions of two more unrelated anime series). The show sported a pretty decent dub of the original, albeit certain aspects had to be partially or completely changed in order to make the show more appealing to western audiences. 


We love you and miss you, Carl Macek! (1951 to 2010)

Everyone I knew who watched Robotech was amazed by it. I was an avid fan of Transformers, and still was even as Robotech was on the screen, though the stories were far more captivating on an emotional level. That just wasn’t something I experienced with any other “average” American cartoon shows, not even Transformers. No, Robotech was a lot different; it hit on so many other levels, and people I had talked to about it who had seen it pretty much experienced the same thing. This was even so much different than Star Blazers and some of the other Japanese-imported series that came to the west; a lot of them were pretty “kiddy-fied”, at least in my opinion. Gigantor was a pretty neat series, but still didn’t hold a candle to Robotech. Same with Star Blazers (though the show was still pretty good) and Battle of the Planets. Both were amazing shows originally; both had less than adequate imported versions shown here in the west.




The Macross vs. Robotech display at Nan Desu Kan 2024!

One of the best things that came out of this “adaption” of Macross were the model kits! We were finally afforded the chance to get some really nifty models to build, whether you liked tanks, planes, robots,… Robotech/Macross had EVERYTHING! Robots with big guns, robots that turned into planes, robots with huge armor parts, robots with missile racks/pods/launchers,… you name it, there was a robot that came with it! 

IMAI & ARII Macross molds sold to Bandai!!!

Sometime during the 80’s, a good portion of IMAI & ARII’s Macross model kit molds were sold to Bandai. Unfortunately, not all of the molds from ARII and IMAI were recovered. We never learned of the fate of the awesome 1/72 Glaug Pod kit’s mold, and that wasn’t the only one. There was also the 1/160 Destroid Monster that never made it over to Bandai, as well as the 1/72 Destroid Tomahawk. We had to wait until Wave did a newly tooled 1/72 Tomahawk kit in 2010 to get our hands on one. Still, the Wave kit still left us wanting… (don’t ask). The good news, we are seeing a resurgence in newly tooled Macross kits from many model kit makers, we well as repops of some old favorites!


Dude, varying scales are awesome!!!

Enter into the fray; Hasegawa, Wave, and… Max Factory?!!!

In the early 2000’s, model kit manufacturer entered into the Macross world by making exquisite models of the Valkyrie jets. Being made in 1/72 scale assured us of getting nicely detailed kits of the famous iconic jets from Macross. After awhile, Hasegawa got bold and started making Battroids and even Gerwalk modes! These may not be the sturdiest robot kits ever made, but they are finely detailed!

In 2010, Wave came out with three kits in 1/72 scale; Destroids Phalanx (new to this scale), Tomahawk (yay!), and Defender! Don’t get too excited; these are not the best engineered kits. At least their newer 1/100 Battroid and Valkyrie jet kits are nominally better. I do recommend those!

Recently, Plamax joined in on the Macross fun with their renditions of both the Valkyrie jets and now the Battroid kits; the Battroids look phenomenally like they’re right out of the anime! The jets look really good, too! Fun builds, for sure, I also highly recommend these!

That's affirmative! D'OH!!!

So, are you going to talk about the kits in the Robotech boxes? What’s up with that?!!!

Shortly after the Robotech series premiered here in America, Revell acquired the limited rights to release certain Macross kits and other Japanese model kit lines under the Robotech name. Although these were not considered part of the same Robotech universe, it still manages to use the same name and exact same logo.

Revell release of the original IMAI 1/72nd variable kit

The 1/72 Tomahawk, 1/72 Variable Valkyrie kit, 1/72 Glaug, 1/5000 SDF-1 (Fortress and Attack mode kits), 1/100 Armored Factory, and several 1/100 Valkyrie kits were among the Macross kits to make it into the Robotech lineup. If you were able to find and build that Armored Factory kit when you were younger, just know I was EXTREMELY jealous of you!

Dude… too soon on that Fokker one!!!

Don’t stop meme now!

Well, I hope this has been a fun, hopefully somewhat informative read! Or, at the very least, that you enjoyed the Robotech memes that were farmed from the rich lands of the mighty INTERNETS! Thank you!

Amen to that!

~Words and text and stuff from Sean Kneeland, aka Zakuformer. Memes dutifully stolen from various websites, thanks GOOGLE!

Please enjoy these Factoid Memes from Cracked!

I don’t know what it is about them, but I love the Regult pods!

Well, hello there, yellow Jetfire!!!

Gotta love Macross cosplayers!

Whether you enjoyed the show as Macross or Robotech, we should all be glad we were able to enjoy it in some form!!!

    Everything past this point is just superfluous stuff about the Robotech model kits!!! And maybe a few more memes!!!

The Model Kit Saga!!!

Revell cross-sell catalogs showing off their line of Robotech model kits!!! These would comprise model kits from various Japanese animes, including Dougram, Orguss, and of course, Macross!!!


If you grew up in the 80’s and we’re involved in any way in the modeling hobby, you likely saw these kits on the shelves of your local hobby store, or a retailer who carried model kits may have had these! More than likely, your eyes were drawn to these eye-catching packaging designs!

Justified. D'OH!!!


Not only did Macross kits get brought over into U.S. Hobby Stores (as Robotech), some of the designs actually made their way into the Battletech game designs! Unfortunately, this may have had the unintended effect of certain licensing issues that would affect the games and hobby for years to come, at least as far as Macross kits and designs were concerned. I don’t dare get into the legalities of said licensing issues; suffice it to say, though, these legal battles finally came to an agreeable end in 2021-2022!


Sometime over the course of the 80’s/early 90’s, these two kits saw their final production;

Both of these kits were originally ARII molds. I cannot say as to when the transaction/acquisition of the ARII and IMAI molds to Bandai thing happened, but these two molds were never found (among others). As it happens, these two kits are highly sought after in the Robotech boxes, and their original kits are usually quickly scooped up as well;

 The rest of the (Macross) gang!!!

The good news is, the rest of the Robotech kits are usually fairly easily found, at least compared to those two kits! Usually at estate sales, sometimes online (Evilbay comes to mind, but I’ve found online sellers who are reputable, like Wiseguys Hobbies!), I’ve even found a few at a couple of Antique stores! Another good source for the original Macross kits I found for this display were from Mandarake! Be aware, they have a complex of many stores, so inquire about their ways before buying!

Here are the 1/72 variable Valkyrie kits repackaged as various newly named Robotech kits; these were originally IMAI molds before Bandai acquired them. Note the reversal of the lower legs in the boxart samples!

And here are the Robotech repackages of the original ARII 1/100 variable Valkyrie kits! Surprisingly, these ARII kits end up being the best of what ARII had to offer!

Here are the SDF-1 kits repackaged into Robotech boxes! IMAI did the Space Fortress mold, and ARII did the Attack Fortress mold. Their original kits are shown below;

Then there was the mother of all ROBOTECH kits; the FACTORY (molds by IMAI)!!! I love that box art!!!

It is super rare to find one of these in mint condition, let alone a box that's not falling apart!

The good news is Bandai does repop this kit from time to time, so if you want one, just wait a few years! Or you MIGHT be able to score one or more on Mandarake! If you want the double-bay one like the one pictured on the Revell box, get the Armored Factory! The Macross Factory is the box with the single bay and just comes with the one Armored Valkyrie kit! 

As crazy as it sounds, there were additional kits released by Revell in this line in 1/170 scale. These were either ARII or IMAI kits, not as well done as their previous kits, though. I'm not showing samples here because, well, they are just not that great looking. 

That does it for this part of the article. If you enjoyed it, or have any critiques, let me know in the comments what you think!

~Sean Kneeland, aka Zakuformer

Friday, May 3, 2024

Well, sh!t

You know how you think stuff is going to come together and you're going to really get going on a lot of long unfinished projects?

Yeah, me neither.

So last spring, I had the fortunate pleasure of raising a couple of feral kittens into home-friendly cats, which pretty much put all of my then model projects on hold while this was going on. One kitty went to my Dad's house, the other kitty to my friends Jeff and Krysta's house. Both are loved and doing very well, which made the whole thing so worthwhile.

So two days after I got the kitties to their new homes, I thought I was all set to reorganize and get my model shop area back into productive shape. 

And then this crap happened;


That's right, basement flooding. Like massive, all-over flooding. Not deep or anything, but a puddle here, a puddle there. And most everywhere will result in mold and mildew. Thank God for Concrobium!

So, while I'm cleaning up this crap, and taking steps to restore my houses foundation to further avert more water... I have to pack up most of my models and stuff to get this going. So much for having my garage free to park my car in.

The good news out of all of this is my model bench area is furthest from the flood zones. So that I might be able to get to work on painting and lighting/wiring is good news. The bad news is, the massive workload for cleaning and the landscaping needed is going to take most of my "free" time. So, we'll see what I can get done this summer, model-wise.

Rest assured, any finished items will be here on my blog! As well as my Instagram, Zakuformer on Instagram!!! 

Until then, keep those projects going!

~Sean Kneeland, aka Zakuformer