Friday, May 3, 2024

Well, sh!t

You know how you think stuff is going to come together and you're going to really get going on a lot of long unfinished projects?

Yeah, me neither.

So last spring, I had the fortunate pleasure of raising a couple of feral kittens into home-friendly cats, which pretty much put all of my then model projects on hold while this was going on. One kitty went to my Dad's house, the other kitty to my friends Jeff and Krysta's house. Both are loved and doing very well, which made the whole thing so worthwhile.

So two days after I got the kitties to their new homes, I thought I was all set to reorganize and get my model shop area back into productive shape. 

And then this crap happened;


That's right, basement flooding. Like massive, all-over flooding. Not deep or anything, but a puddle here, a puddle there. And most everywhere will result in mold and mildew. Thank God for Concrobium!

So, while I'm cleaning up this crap, and taking steps to restore my houses foundation to further avert more water... I have to pack up most of my models and stuff to get this going. So much for having my garage free to park my car in.

The good news out of all of this is my model bench area is furthest from the flood zones. So that I might be able to get to work on painting and lighting/wiring is good news. The bad news is, the massive workload for cleaning and the landscaping needed is going to take most of my "free" time. So, we'll see what I can get done this summer, model-wise.

Rest assured, any finished items will be here on my blog! As well as my Instagram, Zakuformer on Instagram!!! 

Until then, keep those projects going!

~Sean Kneeland, aka Zakuformer