Monday, June 19, 2023

Heyyy, what's taking so long?!!!

Yeah, about that...

So, around the time I was about to get my workbench cleaned off, dust off the airbrush equipment, and get to work, some kitties happened! 😱 Now, am I blaming the cats for my inability to get stuff done? Well, yes and no... I cannot work on resin stuff while they're around, as I fear for their health. Same with painting, though I'm more worried about fur getting into my brushes than anything else, as I do have the fan to ventilate my work area. The kitties also like to get on my work table when I am building, and Gemma has taken to snatching parts, soooo... yeah, most stuff is on hold, ESPECIALLY my recent Enterprise and other heavy conversion kit going on... 😅

We have been trying to catch this cat for 4 years now!!! FOUR!!! Needless to say, she is laser quick and wouldn't go for our traps!!! But she happened to have her kitties in one of our porch bins, so we trapped her and the kitties inside of that and just brought the whole bin inside, then locked that inside a kennel! 

So from there it was just a matter of getting them fed and watered and keeping up with cleanup. I eventually took the bin out, and actually started letting them run around. This has cost me some model parts and some Transformers weapons, but in the end it's worth it! The pic above was after I had them taken out of the bin and moved them back into the kennel.

This one is Gemma! She's going to my Dad's house here shortly! I've nicknamed her "Zooms" because pretty much all she does is zoom back and forth! 😱😅 She's also gotten to be really friendly and even takes naps in my lap from time to time! 🥰

This is Griffon! He's fussy at times, but he's getting more playful and friendly over time! He'll be going to my friends Jeff and Krysta here shortly! 🥰

Now I gotta get to work on getting the momma back outside at some point. She is not friendly, is extremely feral, and does not want to be in the house. She hasn't really messed with anything, but she takes massive dumps and sometimes uses the outside of the litter box! 🤦 I'm just going to guess this is her "protesting" being locked up inside. In actuality, she is not locked up, but she won't come out long enough for me to coax her outside. I wish I could leave doors open, and that way she could just leave whenever she wants, but we have too many other indoor cats upstairs that we don't need them getting out, soooo...

Yeah, I'll get that part figured out. But she is a beautiful cat, and made two extremely cute kitties! I'm really grateful that they'll be going to good homes!

Edit/Addendum; Momma cat has been let go, and the kitties are at their new homes! I felt bad just letting momma cat out of the house, but she definitely doesn't want to be in there. It's a relief, for both of us, I'm sure!

Well, back to work! 😅

~Sean Kneeland, aka Zakuformer 

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