Sunday, June 11, 2023

Star Wars kit reissues versus their vintage counterparts

Round2 recently started reissuing their Star Wars kits from the MPC molds, and it's awesome to see! The best one yet isn't really a reissue, however; it's even better! 

The three kits I'll be focusing on in the post are the Snap X-Wing, Snap B-Wing, and the TIE Interceptor. The TIE Interceptor was originally issued as a snap kit back in the 80's after Return of the Jedi. The kit wasn't necessarily bad, but it did feel rushed. The only real bad thing about the kit was the very poor pilot figure. I almost felt sorry for the thing! But anyways, on to the pictures... 

This shows the "reissue" (dark grey, left) versus the vintage kit (light grey, right). Note the number of pieces in the reissue... that's because Round2 substuted their newer TIE kit's body, cockpit, and pilot and just used the original kit's wing panels! So essentially we're just getting another TIE fighter with the sleeker wing panels! 😁

These pics are closer shots of both kits.

Showing the wing panels next to each other on their respective trees. You can see how much the factory either cut off of the trees on the "reissue" or blocked out the parts on the mold. 

Now we're getting down to the body! While the body on the original wasn't necessarily bad, it wasn't really all that accurate. I'm glad Round2 took the substitution approach with the "reissue"!

The original kit didn't have an opening hatch at the top of the body. Definitely another upgrade here. The original kit did have a rear door, though, which was really weird, as all it did was reveal the back panel of the pilot seat... 😅

The back panels of both kits. Not sure why the old kit had the clear window. Nothing can be seen through it... 🤷

The new kit also has the optional clear part for the main window. You could do the studio style of windowless panels! 😁

That's right... the older kit's cockpit only has two parts... 😱

Yeah, that older kit pilot... Oi...

The only kit parts shared by both kits! The wing panels were slightly retooled from the "slide and pin lock" version used on the original kit to the slightly more modeler challenging glue required assembly on the new kit. Everything on the TIE needs to be glued anyways, so there was no need to incorporate the older method of assembly into the "reissue". To me this is a welcome change!

The only other change to the kit was the addition of Round2's standard small dome base being included in this kit. I'll have updates of both the old versus new once I get them assembled and painted side by side!

In case you're still here and also wondering about the other two kits I mentioned; the Snap X-Wing and Snap B-Wing kits, side by side on their parts trees;

No changes were made to either kit. Although my copy of the reissue X-Wing had no clear parts, but no issue there as the vintage B-Wing had a spare X-Wing canopy. And I'll likely use the landing gear on that one. Both kits are still as neat as the originals I remember building back in the day, if only slightly more chunky than I remember. Still, they'll look great painted, weathered, and detailed!

Addendum; anyone looking for the old Snap kits of the A-Wing and/or Y-Wing, you best scope out antique shops and flea markets to find them, for there will be no reissues. The molds were apparently destroyed at some point. 😱

Until next time!

~Sean Kneeland, aka Zakuformer 

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